
Research methods of Chinese economy

As an economist trained in Europe, I'm always wondering the appropriate research methods for Chinese economy. I'm not totally against the econometric modeling of conventional economic studies, but I question recently the logic basic of this kind of research. Where come all those hypothesis guiding the mathematic efforts? Yes, all our current works are based on the precedent research. But how about if the precedent works are a series deductive reasoning of a sort of "axiom", like interest maximizing, which is questionable? If the theoretical base is on doubt, where will go the empirical studies? Especially when there exist so many statistical traps and the unreliability of data source in the context of a transitional economy like China. In the end, the science of economy is one branch of social sciences examining the human behavior and interaction. Should we proceed it as a natural science? The simplicity and beauty of mathematic models is attractive but engendering an illusive certainty for the consumers living in an uncertain world. One can argue that the simplification characterized by strict assumptions is methodologically necessary, but what has not been said is the hidden pre assumptions considered as non debatable. Even though this pre assumption, such as self interest maximization, as claimed by mainstream economists, can explain 80% of the reality, the rest 20% unanswered may conceal some facts more important. Thus, I have to agree with my supervisor about the proper reasoning order in social science including economy. That you have to first observe the social facts, describe it as authentically as possible, then analyze it to generate the hypothesis, which need to be verified by other quantitative methods. As you can see, the qualitative study may precede an quantitative study for the latter is just one means to check the former, but not by itself the goal of the scientific research. What I don't agree with my supervisor resides in when should the reference of pertinent works intervene. The searching and reading of precedent works (specific or theoretical), in my eyes, may happen in whenever, either at the beginning of a project or at the end of it, in case that it doesn't manipulate and mislead what you really observe in the field. Thus, I may should describe me as a micro-economist, who favors the inductive reasoning from microlevel, and who consider the macroeconomy as an agglomeration of micro fibers.

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